POWERFUL Words from the Groom to the Bride: “I won’t sit here and use the cliché ‘You complete me, because you don’t…” | Carson + Steph
Did that title get your attention?? Ok, fine if you’re looking for some crazy story about how the groom made a scene at a wedding… I’m sorry (not sorry) to break it to you, but that kind of drama is not how this story goes.
In fact, it’s the exact opposite.
Steph + Carson
July 14, 2018
*All photos are by the lovely Rachel McDowell of Complete Wedding & Events
The Film
The Letters
Both the Carson and Steph wrote and read their letters to the other and wow were we blown away. Such conviction and commitment for the other person. And bonus points because the groom used the word “Anchored” in his letter. (Hey-yo!)
But for real – these two made editing their film SO simple. Their story and vows did all the hard work. The challenge was not including ALL of the audio! So let’s just take a step back and clarify what Carson actually said to Steph…
Here’s what the groom writes to his bride,
“I don’t want to sit here and use the cliché, ‘You complete me’ because you don’t. God does. But God also uses you on a daily basis to humble me and to show me where I need to be better. God’s always been the one to change my heart, but you provide such a fullness to my day to day.
I will always serve you in the hopes that God might smile. I’m so excited to show you how much I love you every single day.”
Ok who’s crying?? *insert raising hand emoji* These two made their deeply rooted love for Christ and for the other clearly eminent – in every aspect of their wedding day. Truly they were/are a match made in Heaven. I mean, just listen to what Steph wrote to Carson..
Bride to the Groom:
“Your love for Jesus is the most attractive thing about you. And because of your firm foundation in Him, I know that you will love me and lead me well. You are everything I’ve been praying for since I was a little girl…”
I mean come on… #goals
The Setting
Carson & Steph were married at the quaint, charming Cherry Barc Farm in Vermontville, Michigan. The slight morning drizzle made alllllll the greens come alive. And brought out some cute little friends!
The couple shared a “first touch” where Carson prayed over their future marriage and walk with the Lord as they entered into the most sacred covenant.
Tears were shed (by everyone) and we all couldn’t wait to see these two married. And we rejoiced when they were announced as husband and wife!
The whole atmosphere felt like a true familial setting. Where you feel like you’ve known everyone your whole life. The speeches were moving, the first dances were heart-warming and this crowd partied all night.
The Stolen Moments
Right before sunset, Rachel and I grabbed the couple and whisked them away for some sweet, intimate moments out in the quiet, country fields of Cherry Barc Farm. Steph and Carson swayed back and forth and time just stood still.
The Laughs
Of course, these two were the perfect pair when it came to humor. Carson cracked the joke, or made the goofy face, and Steph’s inviting laugh lit up the room.
Heck, I even joined in on the fun!
Their authenticity and kindhearted personalities made for one of the easiest weddings to be a part of. Sending these two off was truly bittersweet. SO honored that we got to play a role in their perfect day. We are praying for more couples who are just as fun-loving, vulnerable and incredible as they are.